Choral, Instrumental and Chamber Music Compositions and Arrangements

Welcome to this portfolio of musical compositions and arrangements, and thank you for your interest!
In the right-hand column beneath here you should see an alphabetical list of works. You can also choose a list of works with a particular label. Alternatively, you can search for a keyword. (Transcriptions and unpublishable works are listed in a page linked at the bottom, if you are interested.) The files here are all freely available. They do carry copyright, but feel free to adapt and/or perform them as you wish, as long as you print/acknowledge the originator (me!) It is always nice to hear from you if you use any of these compositions and arrangements (my email:, but this is not a requirement. My main hope, as for many composers, is simply that the works are performed and appreciated. Happy music-making!

Key to linked files:
pdf = printed score or parts
mp3 = sound file
midi = midi sound file
mxl = compressed MusicXML source file
sib = Sibelius source file, mostly in Sibelius 8 or Sibelius Ultimate format
sib 6 = Sibelius version 6 source file

For access to many of these works via a commercial publisher, go to SheetMusicPlus/published-by-Philip-Le Bas.

A Cappella Gloria

Scoring: SATB choir a cappella
Date: 2017
A setting of the "Glory to God" from the Church of England's Common Worship service, and dedicated to the parish of Saints Peter and Paul, Seal. It is designed to be sung by choir and congregation without organ or piano accompaniment (for example, if none is available!) However, it does contain an optional keyboard accompaniment, primarily for practice. 
Links: pdf mp3 midi mxl sib

Gloria in excelsis Deo.

Glory to God in the highest, 
and peace to his people on earth. 
Lord God, heavenly King, 
almighty God and Father, 
we worship you, we give you thanks, 
we praise you for your glory. 
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, 
Lord God, Lamb of God, 
you take away the sin of the world: 
have mercy on us; 
you are seated at the right hand of the Father: 
receive our prayer. 
For you alone are the Holy One, 
you alone are the Lord, 
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, 
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. 


  1. Philip, thank you for sharing your music! I have stumbled here a few times from Choralwiki. I'm a horn (French horn) player, and mostly what I do is tweak part-songs et al. for horn ensembles, using Finale. Then I play them back with Finale instrument sounds with one voice missing, so I can play along as music-minus-one. Great help for these isolation times.


    1. You're welcome, David. It's good to know some this is of use to you. I hope it won't be too long before you can play in ensembles with other actual horn players. (Likewise for me in orchestras, especially!) Philip

  2. did we need to pay for sing one of partitur from this site?

    1. Sorry, I don't really understand your question! Everything on this website is free - see my introduction at the top of the page.
